June 01, 2005

What would science be like if ...?

Doing all this reading lately about indigenous cultures, and hunter-gatherer ways of knowing has made me think, what would science look like if it came from a different perspective? What would science look like if it was approached with the idea that wisdom was as essential an ingredient as knowledge? Not much to say on that topic today as I'm in a rush, but here's what author Barbara Kingsolver has to say:
"I have held in my hand the germ of a plant engineered to grow, yield its crop, and then murder its own embryos, and there I glimpsed the malevolence that can lie in the heart of a profiteering enterprise. I'm a scientist who thinks it wise to enter the doors of creation not with a lion tamer's whip and chair, but with the reverence humankind has traditionally summoned for entering places of worship. A sacred grove, as ancient as time."

from Small Wonder: Essays, 2002, Harper Collins.


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