May 15, 2007

What does "urgent" mean?

Urgent should mean something that actually threatens your survival. However, in an industrial society in which people work for large institutions, we are constantly asked to treat things as "urgent" that have nothing to do with actual survival. "Get that report in by that deadline", "I need that form from you," "Get me those numbers so we can up our profits", etc.

These affect money, but not survival. Most of our stress in modern life is unnecessary, in a strict survival sense. It's hard to keep an eye on the big picture.

What is really urgent:
* Getting antivenom after being bitten by a snake
* Calling 911 when you have chest pain
* Protecting your child
* The climate crisis (See Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning by George Monbiot and Prescott Matthew)
* Protecting indigenous rights and knowledge, particularly knowledge of how not to grossly mismanage the planet as we have been doing.
Rights US      Rights Australia
Knowledge worldwide      Knowledge Australia
* Rainforest deforestation       Rainforest Action Network
* Protecting people who are vulnerable because of neurological disorders from being exploited       Information:
* Getting out of Iraq, impeaching Bush (I don't really need to provide a link for this, do I?


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